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Solo Project

Gnite is a nightlight that helps users combat revenge bedtime procrastination, reducing exposure to blue light to improve one's sleep quality. It will only function when the user's phone is placed in the nightlight, helping users gradually build discipline in distancing themselves from their phones before bedtime.


At least 53.1% of young adults take part in revenge bedtime procrastination, which is the act of delaying one’s bedtime due to a lack of free time during the day. This is commonly why people use their phones before bed, at the cost of risking worsened sleep quality caused by exposure to blue light which prevents one's body from releasing melatonin, and an accumulation of sleep debt which is nearly impossible to fully recover from.

Flow Chart.jpg

The Gnite is a nightlight that aims to help users combat revenge bedtime procrastination and therefore improve one's sleep quality. It will only function when the user's phone is placed in the nightlight, helping users gradually build discipline in distancing themselves from their phones before bedtime. Otherwise, it loops a red and blue flashing sequence, reminding users to keep their phones in the Gnite. Users may also choose to use the timer on the Gnite, allocating themselves a set amount of time on their phones before putting it away in the Gnite. It also features a built in wireless charging system, removing the need of a charging cable. The Gnite is made with wood to fit in with the cozy environment of one's bedroom, with parts painted black to blend in with the night as users turn the lights off before bed. The Gnite is designed to cover majority of the user's phone screen, blocking out any notifications while still displaying time for users, minimizing blue light exposure.


To create the curved wooden components, I glued three layers of aeroply and sealed them on a wooden frame in a vacuum bag. The vacuum bags were then left overnight to let the form hold in hopes of decreasing the chance of it bouncing back. The acrylic frosted shell and electronics casing were heat bent over another wooden frame to get the desired bend for the sides of the Gnite, then sanded down to create the frosted effect, diffusing the LED strip lights inside.


In order to fit the LCD display and acrylic screen protector through, I had to cut holes through the middle of certain wooden components. This was done through wood routing, where I first created a jig, then sawed through the hole and routed the edges smooth with a router. Some of the wood components were first painted black, then all of the wood components were varnished and sanded down until the surface of the wood is smooth yet still retains its wood grain. The electronics were then carefully wired and fit into the pins, taped together and blue tacked to the pins to secure them in place during the Gnite's assembly. The wireless charger was glued to the back of the thin aeroply where the user's phone rests on, letting it wirelessly charge the user's phone.

I then crafted a cardboard model wrapped with the packaging net, encapsulating the essence of the Gnite. Its exterior showcases a radiant amber Gnite with a phone, accompanied by the brand logo, tagline, and product description. The satin finish replicates the sleek packaging commonly found in electronic products. Inside, the Gnite rests between two Styrofoam boards, ensuring security during transit, while cables and plugs are safeguarded with bubble wrap. I also designed a user manual for the Gnite, packed with crucial details users require, like a labeled product diagram, specifications, instructions, and an FAQ section addressing potential troubleshooting queries. The manual, sized A7, is folded akin to a leaflet, ensuring users can peruse it conveniently without consuming excess packaging space.

I chose “Gnite” as the name, as it is an informal abbreviation of “goodnight” when sent through text, which I felt was apt for a product relating to phone usage before bed. The logo takes the form of a text bubble, which also somewhat resembles the Gnite’s rounded but geometric form.

Gnite Logo (Bordered).png
In Context Shot (1).JPG
In Context Shot (2).JPG
White Backdrop Shot (13).jpg

© DesignerWong portfolio by Daniel Wong

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